4 boards 2x8x8 get them cut to 6.5ft
1 1/2 inch screws
Pocket hole tool
Acrylic paint
Sand paper
Mirror brackets
Paint brushes
Total cost $45
I had just been using the cheap $5 long mirror from Walmart and decided I wanted something nicer. I just recently redid my room and was excited to make it look put together.
I found the tutorial on Pinterest for this project so that's what I based it off of.
At Lowes I got 4 boards 2x8x8 and got them cut to 6.5 ft. Then I got a thinner board 1 inch thick cut just barely shorter than the width of all four boards together. We had that board cut three times so there are three support boards on the back.
My friends husband screwed some pocket holes on the 2x8x8 boards to screw them together before adding the boards to the back.
Then drilled 1 1/2 inch screws into the smaller boards on the back to support the structure.
Then I laid tape down to get my design for painting. I just tore duck tape in different sizes to get different stripe lines.
I used acrylic paint and painted two coats of the design I wanted.
I let it dry a few days then took the tape off and stained it. We used Early American color.
After letting that dry overnight I used sand paper over the stripes. I did this because for one, the stain kind of changed the paint result of the stripes and two, I wanted it to look distressed.
All that's left is mounting the mirror to the boards and you're set! It's extremely heavy so don't be crazy like me and carry it up two flights of stairs by yourself😪 Darn field ops taking my husband for two weeks! It's alright though, there's a very satisfying feeling that comes with doing things by yourself 😊