Thursday, February 5, 2015

You'll Never Have To Say "I have nothing to wear" Ever Again!

A few times a year I go through my closet and I find the same problem. I have so many cute clothes that never get worn. I have like 5 "nice" shirts that I rotate through. I'm a stay at home mommy so comfy clothes is my normal. 

The rule is if you haven't worn it in a year get rid of it but I have problems throwing out perfectly cute clothes! 

So I decided to try something that I learned on the Rachel Ray show and it actually works! 

I decided to pair together outfits and accessorize them on the hanger! 

Instead of staring in your closet for ten minutes thinking "I have nothing to wear" all you have to do is pick up a hanger and your whole outfit is put together! 

I'm a big fan of layers. You can do so many different looks with the same cardigan and you can wear your tanks year round but by pairing it differently make it suitable for the different seasons. 

I wouldn't go overboard and put 20 outfits all put together but having a handful that are ready are perfect for those times when you are having a hard time putting something together or when you are in a hurry! It also helps you wear clothes that you wouldn't normally wear!