I personally think any effort is sweet and it shouldn't matter how much you spent.
My husband and I have this tradition where we do our own chocolate covered strawberries. Except, I wish I had a pic of what they looked like our first time doing them.. I mean it was EVERYWHERE! And it hardened in the tub so fast which took forever to clean. And the strawberries had fingerprints, they weren't smooth and pretty.
This year, I figured out the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to do the most perfect chocolate covered strawberries!!!
All you need is;;
Bakers Dipping chocolate
I got mine at Walmart, comes in a small microwaveable tub for just a few bucks.
Corn on the cob holders
That's it!
You melt the chocolate in the microwave for 30 seconds, stir, and then another 30 seconds, and then it should be ready!
Just stab the strawberries and dip! So easy!!!
Best part is, you don't have a bowl to scrub hard chocolate off of after! I've used my fingers and forks and these by far are the best way to do it! I've used the chocolate bark that you can buy for baking purposes, I like the kind I used this time better. It's smoother and easier to get that pretty finish.
Yumm! 😋